Are You Prepared for the Next Stock Market Crash?


In the last few month's we've seen a lot of ups and downs in the market. When this happens there are always some people who start calling it the next bear market. Odds are it's just the normal gyrations in the market but it could be the beginning of the next bear market. As I've said a lot on this blog, bear markets are not a bad thing!  It allows savers and investors to purchase more stocks at a lower price. What's not to love?

In order to get this confidence and save yourself from the panic that the rest of the world feels you need to prepare. I wrote about how to do this over at Nerd Wallet and what it comes down to is asset allocation and your perspective. You have to set your portfolio correctly and then train yourself to think differently. 

If you want to invest differently from the majority of other people start by reading the article originally published at NerdWallet here. Prepare yourself for the next bear market whenever that happens to be.